Chicago Power Cleaning

Chicago Power Cleaning

Welcome to the Chicago Power Cleaning site. We offer commercial and residential pressure washing in Chicago and it’s suburbs. Truly, we offer the best bang for the buck. Using state of the art equipment, the latest technology, industrial strength soaps, and plenty of knowledge.

For instance, we use hot water pressure washers. These machines can clean up to 75% deeper than a cold water machine with water alone, not to mention what they do with a little soap. For example, when you wash your dirty hands warm/hot water does a better job at cutting the grease/dirt right? The same goes for anything we are cleaning for you.

Why is this good for you? A deeper clean means it is going to take a lot longer for the surface we clean to get as dirty as it is now again. Honestly, this is a saving to you because you do not have to clean as often.

How long do our cleanings last? I always tell people how long has it been since your last cleaning. In fact, it will take that long or longer for it to look like this again. This always seems to help. For instance, if you had your brick cleaned 10 years ago and it is just not looking good now, it will be at least 10 years before it looks like this again.

If you would like to know more please call us at 312-384-0044.

In addition to hot water, we are using the latest tech. An example would be our surface area cleanings for flatwork (horizontal surfaces). They are 28 inches wide and clean sidewalks and concrete like you were cutting grass. This saves you money in the long run. Why? Because time is money and the more efficiently we can get your job done the less time it takes. The less time it takes the more you save.

Furthermore, our experience. We have over 30 years of experience. This may be the biggest factor in what sets us apart from the other guys. You see many companies out there do not perform their own work like me. They hire men that for all you know were working at Taco Bell last week. They may have some experience. However, their men most likely do not have the experience the owner has. Let alone the experience I have.

To read more please check out our blog.

Chicago Power Cleaning
Chicago Power Cleaning